Art textbook for Singapore 5th grade students features C.A.T. logo design by Jeff Fisher LogoMotives

I often get requests from editors, writers and publishers for the use of my design work as illustrative examples in books and magazines. Once of the most unique arrived a couple months ago via email from an editor at textbook publisher Pearson Education South Asia. In collaboration with the Ministry of Education in Singapore, they were producing an art curriculum text for elementary school students and asked to include my logo design concept for the Cat Adoption Team in the book.

As a result, the logo appears in the textbook Perfect Match Art Primary 5, by Prisca Ko Hak Moi. This past week I received a copy of the book and I'm very impressed at what 5th grade students in Singapore are taught about art and design. The C.A.T. logo appears in a section titled "Wordplay," with lessons on logos, what different fonts convey, computer manipulation of text, and the replacing of letterforms with objects.

The Cat Adoption Team design won a Silver Award in the Summit Creative Awards. It is featured in the books Killed Ideas, Vol. 1, Letterhead & Logo Design 11, American Graphic Design & Advertising 25, and For a Good Cause (Spain). The yet to be published volumes LogoLounge Master Library Vol. 2, Logolicious and Logo Nest 01 (Australia) will also include the design.

© 2010 Jeff Fisher LogoMotives

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