The other day I was browsing the shelves of the design section at Powell's City of Books and came across the Rockport Publishers offering The Best of Letterhead and Logo Design in its new paperback version. (The Amazon site says the book has not yet been released - but I also saw it at Borders that same day.) The new small-format edition is a collection of many designs previously presented the long-running Letterhead and Logo Design book series from the publisher. It's a great inspiration resource for any designer interested in creating identities for businesses, products, organizations or events.
Jeff Fisher LogoMotives is represented in the book with eight designs. The logos featured include those for Portland firms Carmen Schleiger Architecture, City Laundry Northwest, law firm Samuels Yoelin Kantor Seymour & Spinrad, Denny Shleifer Marketing Communications and hairstylist Jeff Maul. The image for the nonprofit group Love Makes A Family was also selected for the book. The logo for the San Francisco nonprofit Laugh Line Productions is also displayed. In association with his sister’s Bend, Oregon firm TriAd, the designer created the included identity for the company Gina’s Italy. The designs are from volumes in the book series from the 1990's.
With both the original hardback and the new paperback volumes, I've noticed that "No. 1" is incorporated into the book cover design. I hope this is a sign of future volumes to come.
© 2006 Jeff Fisher LogoMotives